Toddler tantrums… help


My 2nd born will be 2 in a few months, he can throw the most insane tantrums for hours sometimes and it’s getting really exhausting. We are gentle parents so I don’t agree with spanking or isolation during his outbursts. There has to be a very way to help calm him down without distractions like food, toys or cartoons. I want him to actually learn… he gets so aggressive I try to hug the flame out but he ends up head butting me or scratching my face… like I can’t do anything but just let it die down over the day. My oldest never did anything like this, he was very easy honestly. I’m on my knees crying most days wondering how my baby got this way. How one simple thing can go wrong for him and he goes full blown tantrum…

Any advice would be really helpful for this tired, stressed & stay at home mom… thank you