Sore belly


I’m 35 weeks tomorrow and get induced on my 37 week mark (!!!) my belly is so sore and so is my pelvis at this point (doctors have made many comments about how low she is😅) I wear my belly band every so often but my belly just feels like it’s stretched to the max and like i did an ab workout and my muscles just feel so sore. I have a very tiny frame and her movements just HURT at this point….she moves so much. She’s been sitting steady at the 76th percentile mark and in her ultrasounds you can just see her chunky cheeks🥹 (her daddy asks me daily when I’m going to give him his chunker cheeks😂) we get monitored twice a week due to gestational hypertension and fear of it turning to pre-eclampsia and she passes all of her testing with flying colors so she’s an extra healthy baby. Other than my nausea that hasn’t stopped my entire pregnancy, i have no complaints. My body just feels so done though. Any advice? Is there anything i could do to help with the discomfort? Should i wear my belly band more often? Prenatal yoga for some stretching? I haven’t slept through the night at all the past month because of the discomfort.