Mental Health + Relationships

Hi, im 22 with diagnosed depression and anxiety. I am currently going to therapy which has been helping a lot! One thing my depression has taken away from me is my confidence in my personality. I used to be very fun and outgoing growing up yet that changed when i started to go deeper and deeper in depression. Anyway now i feel like im very boring and uninteresting.

I just entered a new relationship in May. I pushed him away alot due to my impulsive tendencies and fear of being a burden. Especially after we had an abortion 3 months into knowing eachother, I pushed him away in fear of seeing the relationship fail. I know some of you may say I was not ready for a relationship but i thought i was fine beforehand, all these insecurities came back out of nowhere. I am in therapy though which has helped.

We’re back together now (distance really made the heart grow fonder) and I have some anxiety over our connection and my personality. Mind you i never stress about this when I am first meeting someone. Our first date we went to the beach and spent all day talking. We’ve have times where we laugh so much and cried to eachother.

So why do I feel so distant still?? If anyone else experiences this id love to talk about it. This also happens with friendships as well.