How to encourage independence?

My baby is 10 months old and only recently started crawling, he does an army crawl but can pull himself up on furniture to stand (although his still wobbly with that too).

I've noticed that when I'm out of sight he is more independent, crawls around and explores all the toys we have in the room (I have a 4 year old too so the living room is filled with toys on every wall).

But when I'm in sight he acts as if he can't do anything, he lies there looking at me and whinging, I encourage him to crawl over to me but no, all of a sudden his weak and can't do it, gets soo frustrated so I end up picking him up and he likes it when I hold him at his armpits to let him walk over to what he wants as i hold him or sit him infront of whatever toy and when his done he turns his body to me to pick him again.

It's getting very frustrating for me, all he does is whinge, play and whinge. He doesn't cry if I leave the room though and once I hid in the corridor watching him through a reflection on a glass door of a cabinet just so I could have a moment to myself.

How do I encourage him to be more independent?

I didn't have this problem with my first, he was up and running at 9 months and independent since he could crawl almost like he didn't need me anymore so they're both very different 😅