

Has anyone's child had a tonsilectomy and adenoidectomy? My son just had his out on Thurs and it's been hell. (Hes 3). Nights are the absolute worst. We've been doing meds around the clock to make sure we keep up on them and he's doing fine pain wise today, not crying or complaining but he is refusing to drink or eat any Popsicles or ice cream or cold things and I really don't want to have to take him in to get fluids.

Hes also just being really naughty. Squeezing his juice on the floor, he just went and threw my phone for no reason, and hitting the dogs and hitting us. He also squeezed his medicine out all over my bed and himself and me so I had to give us both a bath. Spilling his milkshake on the floor, peeing his pants and he even peed in our heat vent. This is not like him and I think he's acting out because he's upset that he's in pain but my goodness I can't handle another 10 days of this! 😫 he literally just squatted down and peed on our dog bed as I'm typing this...and he's fully potty trained and hasn't had accidents in months.