Husband changed his tune completely

So I was on the verge of divorcing my husband. He was being abusive to our kids by spanking them, or “whooping” them as he called it. It’s how he grew up and at times he’d even leave a read hand print on their butt/leg. No matter what I said he said I was wrong and there’s nothing abusive about it. Well I had enough. I told him we are leaving and I would file for full custody and would easily win because he’s in the military and has to leave/deploy often. I told him he has to get into therapy to process his own childhood trauma as well as read actual scientific literature about spanking.

He did as I asked a few months ago and has read book after book about calm parenting. And I cannot tell you how much this man has changed. Now he is more calm than I am. He has begged our kids for forgiveness and has told them he’ll never ever spank them again. He has begged for my forgiveness that he truly did not know it was abusive and harmful because that is how he was raised and no one ever told him differently.

I have forgiven him and my kids are SO MUCH HAPPIER. They’re no longer fearful and are just thriving.

I’m so happy you guys. Just thought I would share.