What a wild ride

Jessica • RN and mama to four beautiful baby girls ❤️

Had to go to the hospital yesterday for chest pain radiating to both shoulder blades.

I was worried about an ectopic. However, after the ultrasound showed a gestational sac in the right place that fear was calmed. According to my LMP, I'd be 7 weeks today, but the sac measured 5 weeks 4 days yesterday. Yolk sac was seen. Right ovarian cyst (which makes sense) and "small" subchorionic hematoma. HCG was 6800 so it makes sense they only saw a sac.

All my other kids measured behind also, all first trimester ultrasounds pushed all my due dates back at least a week. So trying not to worry, but the SCH is kinda freaking me out. I'm hoping the HCG rises enough to be able to see something on my US on Monday afternoon.

Meanwhile, I can't keep anything in so I'm miserable. None of my other kids made me this sick. Ugh. Hope y'all are faring better.