Am I being too strict?

Long story short is that my husband has a hard time taking care of our 13 week old baby. He’ll do whatever I ask him to around the house, and will watch our baby when I ask, but our baby just really prefers being with me. Like he will be nonstop crying in my husbands arms, and as soon as I take him he stops immediately. He just needs his mom I guess. Which is fine because I’m a SAHM now and can be there with him 95% of the time. But sometimes I need a break. Like today, we’re out of town for my husbands job and our baby is either going through what I think is the 4 month sleep regression, or just having a hard time being away from home, because he’s fighting every nap, so I’m trying to wear him in the carrier but then he’s still hysterical and it’s just madness and I need a break. I’ve actually been nursing him to sleep for the first time because it’s the only thing that’s working.

Anyway, my husband got to go fishing for 2 hours alone yesterday with some friends he rarely sees. He’s been wanting to do this for a long time so I agreed, assuming that today I would get a 2 hour break. But the issue is that if I leave our baby with my husband, he’ll be crying most of the time most likely. And my husband says he tries ‘everything’ but if it’s nonstop crying he will get super overwhelmed and resort to putting our baby down and walking away (so letting him cry it out alone), or putting him in front of the tv to watch something on YouTube. I’m really trying to do no screen time for as long as possible and my husband has on board with that up until these crying spells happen and my husband constantly reminds me that if he was alone with the baby he’d just put him in front of the tv.

So what am I supposed to do? Never leave the baby with my husband? Or loosen up and let him watch tv while he’s with him? It breaks my heart to imagine him crying for me nonstop which is why I’ve only left them alone twice for a very short amount of time.

Also, I know my husband needs to spend more time with the baby so he can become another source of comfort for him, and it’s not all on me. People tell me to just leave the baby with him and they will figure it out. But my husband works long hours and on the weekends he doesn’t even have much time to be with the baby. So I don’t know if he’ll ever be able to spend enough time with the baby to really learn how to comfort him… so is there even a point to me leaving them alone? I feel like this problem will become way worse as time goes on.