Autism in 3 year old?

My daughter will be three next month. She recently had an appointment with a neurologist for a behavior that her pediatrician thought was concerning. At this appointment, the neurologist asked about my daughter’s personality and behavior and mentioned that some of my daughter’s behavior seems to be similar to the behavior of toddlers with autism. Admittedly, I don’t know much about autism so this was a shock to me. It wasn’t a diagnosis in any way, just something the neurologist wants to look into further.

Some of the behavior the neurologist was concerned about includes my daughter covering her ears a lot. Any time we’re in a crowded place (grocery store, restaurant, etc) or if the vacuum is running, she covers her ears or asks me to. She sometimes walks on her tiptoes. She jumps. A lot. On her trampoline, on the bed, on couches, while she’s randomly standing around. All day long, she’s jumping. The only movie she’s ever shown interest in is toy story. It’s been this way since she was barely a year old. It’s the only movie we ever watch. She’s not even three yet and she can quote most of the movie because it’s the only thing she ever wants to watch (we do limit screen time, so it’s not on repeat all day long. It’s just the only thing she ever watches when we do allow screen time). She has been behind on every milestone so far, though she does seem to catch up quickly. She didn’t walk until she was a year and a half, didn’t talk until after her second birthday, still can’t recognize when she has peed or pooped so she isn’t even close to being ready to potty train. She washes her hands at least 10 times a day. Any time she gets anything on her hands, they have to be washed immediately or she cries and gags.

I guess I’m just looking for answers. Her next appointment isn’t until December, and that’s for an EEG to rule out what her pediatrician was concerned about. She doesn’t have a follow up appointment with the neurologist until February. I hate not knowing. If it is autism, I have a lot to learn and I’d rather know sooner than later. It wouldn’t change anything to me. She’s still the same smart, funny, beautiful little girl to me. I just want answers.

If anybody has any knowledge or experience with this, I’d love to hear some thoughts.