Advice please

I really need support, as I’m going through so much emotionally. I’m 6 weeks and a few days pregnant and me and the father are both so confused on what to do. It’s like we want to go through with the pregnancy but then we feel like 1. We both aren’t too stable enough to have another child together 2. Our relationship is so rocky and we are basically over at this point but still holding on. So we are both 50/50. I just looked online to schedule an appointment ( it’s legal in my state) and I literally just broke down crying because I don’t know if I’m making the right choice. But I know if I was to continue with my pregnancy it will be a struggle all around and would potentially cause more issues between me and my child’s father.I did consider adoption but I wouldn’t be able to give a child I carried and gave birth to away almost immediately after birth. I just don’t know. I had terminated me and his very first child together and immediately after I regretted it, that is one of my regrets in life. And then we went on to have our daughter and now here I am in this situation again. I just know im going to regret it but it’s just not ideal right now for either of us. I already have 3 children ( 1 being by the guy im pregnant by now) if that matters.