journal entry turned POEM plz readđź’—


So I was just putting my feelings on paper and didn’t even realize it was coming out sounding like a poem…. I just wanted to share it because it made me feel a bit better today after letting it out hopefully reading it may help somebody, idk but I FELT the need to share and I’m kind of too shy to share with someone close to me so here you guys go .

“ I am working on control,

Controlling my emotions.

I am not my emotions.

Overthinking…. What if?

Why what if ? That’s not happening.

Stop. Stop the what if’s

Live in the now.

Everyone’s story is different. Stop comparing.

Nobody is perfect. None of us are perfect.

Social media? It’s a front

You’re only seeing what people allow you to…

Control your emotions.

Everything doesn’t need a response

Control your emotions

How do I control them? No one ever showed me how… I feel out of character. I stop & breathe.

Yet I still react… am I being heard? Do I need to be saying this right now? Am I over reacting? Do they think I’m over reacting? Am I crazy? Is it anxiety? I don’t know.

I feel stuck… I feel helpless. I’m an over thinker … I hold it in then I POUR my emotions out all at once….. I need control , I want control … I HAVE to control my emotions.

Eventually I will.. I hope I learn. I want to learn.

I need control. I WILL gain control.