Pcos???? Long post but please read and give advice


Had ultra sound done on my ovaries yesterday turns out they both are polycystic. Still waiting for my testosterone lab to come back for them to diagnose me with “pcos” but here is some back history because I’m awfully confused.

I’m 34 years old been pregnant 4 times with 2 successful births

Iud removed July 8 2022

First period July 2nd

No period in August

Next period Sept 6

Next period October 2

Next period October 31

So they haven’t been completely irregular and seen to be getting on track. I use opks every month and hit my lh peak. I have no other symptoms of pcos other then my periods being screwy which I figured had to do with iud removal and other symptoms is not conceiving yet. All hormones have been check and been normal…just waiting for testosterone to come back but I don’t have symptoms of elevated testosterone either. So at the ultra sound yesterday which I was cd 10 the tech said I had polycystic ovaries and that it’s didn’t look like I would be ovulating. Why am I getting my lh surge and my period every month if I’m not ovulating?