Potty training almost 3 year old

My daughter will be 3 in February. We’ve tried potty training before but it was full of nothing but fits so I thought she wasn’t ready.

She asks to be changed, hides when pooping, tries taking her diaper off, etc. but it feels like everything I try for potty training isn’t working. And it’s hard for me to stay consistent because I have a 6 week old and he obviously takes a lot of my time as a stay at home mom.

I have stickers and little candies as rewards but she doesn’t care. She LOVES stickers but when I tell her she has to potty to get them, she suddenly doesn’t care. She’ll sit on the potty when I know she has to go but she won’t, then as soon as she gets off the toilet she’ll pee in her underwear (or on the couch if we’re going naked lol).

I’m beyond stressed and being sleep deprived from my 6 week old definitely doesn’t help my patience level. She keeps throwing fits about it. She likes sitting in the potty at first until I take her back every 30 mins or so and she gets upset because she wants to keep playing.

Any advice? I’m honestly embarrassed she’s not potty trained yet and I feel like a failure.