Our 2 hour home birth 💙


I am finally ready to share my birth story.

I was due on Nov 7, 2022. I had no signs or symptoms leading up to this date. I didn't lose my plug, I had barely any Braxton hicks contractions. I felt wonderful through out my entire pregnancy and was even still sleeping decently well - minus the few times I would need to pee in the middle of the night.

My babies usually come at night, labor starts late afternoon and they come somewhere between midnight (I've had 6 previous deliveries) so, I was expecting just that.

Nov 7 at 5am, I felt a small pop and the smallest amount of pink fluid was running down my leg - I thought this was weird because my waters never leak until I'm in active labor. Never the less, I waited until 9am to call my midwife and give her a heads up, we made a plan for her to come check on me and babe around 4pm that day.

I went back to bed, I figured this would be a long night and I wanted to be as rested as possible. I woke up at 1030am, cleaned the house and started to experience cramping. They weren't regular, they weren't intense and they were around every 20 minutes or so.

Noon came around, I sent my toddler off the to babysitters as I figured we'd have a baby at some point that night or early the next morning. My toddler was picked up at 145pm.

I decided to take a shower to see if maybe the heat of the water and standing would bring these contractions on.. and let me just say, it worked. I had my first real intense contraction in the shower within minutes of getting in. A total of 6 came back to back, and oh man, they hurt. I finished washing up and called my midwife at 210.

I labored on my bed until she arrived, these contractions were like no other that I've ever felt before. It was like I went from zero to one hundred with in minutes. My midwife arrived at 230, she checked me. Waters still intact, and I was 6cm.

We rushed around to get the pool filled, and have everything set up. These contractions were intense and I was NOT getting a break.

I climbed into the pool at 330 - the pool did not help at all but I was afraid of what these contractions would feel like the moment I stood up, so I stayed put.

I'm not the type of person to cry through labor, but my body was crying. I don't know why, but I remember my husband wiping away my tears.

Suddenly, I felt my body pushing - there's no way I went from 6 to 10 and ready to push in the short time I was in the pool. I had my midwife check me again, and yup I was fully dilated - waters still intact.

I had a contraction after she pulled her hand away, boom my water broke - it actually shot out of me.

Another contraction, I screamed, I cried, I couldn't move, I was stuck on all fours. I could feel his head coming down, and it felt like my pelvis was going to snap in half. Suddenly, my husband says babe - I can see his head.. me being a smart ass ha, I said no shit, its huge.

Another surge - i let out the loudest most agonizing scream and he was delivered. I laid there, hanging over the side of this pool in complete shock. I couldn't move. I couldn't register what tf just happened.

Maverick joined us at 4:03 pm just 2 hours after the contractions started.

We had to be transferred to the NICU because he came too fast and his breathing was quite labored. I couldn't touch, hold or feed my freshly born infant for 12 hours.

I didn't receive any post care until we got home three days later.

We are home now, everything is perfect.

But that labor was intense. My body did what most people do in 8 hours, in just two!

Luckily, he is my last baby. I never want to do that again.

My 56 hour unmedicated labor was alot easier than my 2 hour labor.

Welcome to the world Maverick, 7 pounds, 3 ounces, 19.5 inches long ❤️💙