If you know deep down you’re in a toxic relationship, read this.

If you know your relationship is toxic, please find the courage to walk away. It will end… maybe not now, but eventually it will. It’s better to walk away now and start the healing process rather than stay and you’ll have more healing to do. The longer you stay, the more you will hurt & the longer it takes to heal. I was in a trauma bond. I knew the relationship was not healthy, but I couldn’t risk feeling lonely, neglected and not loved. When the relationship was good, it was really good and when it was bad it was very bad, but I held unto the hood parts. I thought we could fix it. It’s not your job to fix people. It’s your job to take care of YOU. It hasn’t even been 3 months yet since I’ve broken up with the person I was with and I can’t wait for the months to go by and I’m happy and completely over him. Looking back, the times when we “broke up” I wish it has stayed that way because the hurt just builds up. It gets worst each time. I now know that I will have to heal my childhood trauma before I rush into another relationship. I can’t risk having a trauma bond again. Leaving felt like I was coming off coc@ine and it still feels like I need to be in rehab so if you’re reading this and you are in a toxic relationship, please leave. Love yourself enough to leave.