I should be his only bonnie


He’s playing an online old western themed game called red dead redemption some of you may know it. He ran across a girl online and they were playing a session along with some other friends which isn’t a problem at all. I heard him call this girl bonnie and Although they are just role playing I wasn’t very comfortable with that. He’s a terrible communicator so of course all of this resulted in an argument but I just need to know if I’m valid in this so the argument is worth it because this is his last chance with me.

Edit: there seems to be some confusion about why there was an argument. If y’all read the other comments before putting your own you would have more clarification but I’ll clarify here. I simply let him know kindly that it made me uncomfortable. I didn’t start an argument over a game that’s silly. The argument started because I’m always met with backlash from him even when i express myself in a gentle kind way. So when I expressed my discomfort his responses caused the argument. Not me. He invalidates what I feel if he doesn’t deem my emotions feasible and the fact that I’m continuing to be invalidated by all the comments thus far is really hurtful. 😢