My baby's got RSV 🥺

Shelbi 🤱🤰❤ • Wife, mamma & crazy animal lady!

My daughter's been sick for 3 days and we got her tested at the dr yesterday for flu, covid and RSV. Came back positive for RSV. I feel so awful for her. She's only 9 months old and she's recently learned to talk so she keeps crying Mamama and saying nooo every time she coughs or we try to use a bulb to get the drainage from her nose. We hardly ever go in public and when we do she never touches anything because I always wear her and I'm super adamant about hand washing and she still got sick 😭 I just needed to vent cause I'm kinda freaking out, I already have anxiety and especially about her health because she almost died at birth. I haven't slept but a few hrs during the day for 3 days because she can't breathe on her back so at night I prop up and let her sleep elevated on me and watch her all night. I just want my poor babe to get better asap. 🥺❤️