Managing with sick kiddos?

Hey ladies, looking for some tips!

For the last 7 weeks myself, my normally healthy 4 year old, and normally healthy 14 month old- have been sick nonstop. it’s been awful! We’ve been housebound for these 7 weeks. Now, my son just got over a week long bout with a horrid fever. He’s had a lingering cough but otherwise he’s totally back to normal. My daughter has the fever now. It’s been back and forth between the 3 of us so I’ve been sick too, and with the kids not sleeping when they’re sick, my daughter nursing every hour or two all night long, plus ME being sick whilst caring for everyone… well… my son’s screen time is off the charts. I feel so bad about it. It’s just the easiest way to ensure he’s not getting into anything whilst I’m stuck dealing with a sick baby who only wants to be held or nurse. It’s been so tough. I know it’ll pass and I’ll get him back to routine but does anyone have tips for helping occupy him other ways? I’m so exhausted, I normally would have him color, draw, go outside, play with blocks, other toys, etc. but I’m so busy with this sick little girl that I haven’t even eaten yet today because I haven’t been able to make myself anything. Anyways, just could use some tips! I know the screen time is terrible for him and I feel bad using it but at this point it’s been a lifesaver lol