Educational: Did you know not all pregnancy tests are made equal?

I keep seeing tons of posts about women who see lines on an FRER but are freaking out with stress because they showed up negative on a digital. They all claim “6 days before your missed period” but that’s not always true. Implantation can happen as late as 12dpo so those tests wouldn’t pick up your hcg until after it implants. Don’t let it discourage you! Not all pregnancy tests read the same amount of hcg. It’s measured in mlu. The lower the mlu, the higher the test sensitivity. I feel like this should be common knowledge that every woman should know so I compiled a list of the most popular brands that I see on this app. Some tests had varying lowest detection mlu according to different studies so I put the range.

First Response Early Response: 6.3mlu. Most sensitive test on the market, and with that, higher chances of indents. I see people always doggin on them, but it’s because their test is so sensitive.

Wondfo: 10mlu. Most sensitive “cheapie” I have found.

Bird & Be: 10mlu

Dollar tree “cheapie”: 20-25mlu

Walmart “cheapie” (Equate one step): 20-25mlu

Easy@home: 25mlu

Pregmate: 25mlu

Mommed: 25mlu

Clear Blue Early Detection (pink dye): 25mlu

Clear Blue Rapid Results (blue dye): 25mlu

First Response Gold Digital: 18-25mlu

Clearblue Digital: 25-50mlu

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