How do you deal with a selfish partner ?

Recently I’ve noticed my partner being very selfish

He may have always been this way I guess I never noticed because we were both single.

But we now have a home and a 1 year old together.

He gets out of work n will be at the gym for hours and I don’t say anything cuz I understand he enjoys it.

Well as soon as I’m off work it’s my responsibility to pick up the baby from my mothers house who lives 25 minutes away.

So in the mornings I drop the baby off 25 min away come back cuz I work close to where I live then after work back to my moms then back home.

He’s off later then me so that is why I get her.

Anyway the other day I asked him hey do u think u could skip the gym today I’m feeling rly tired. Which I never do.

He literally had the biggest fit in the world

Telling me no tht I could get over being tired.

I just feel like he’s not willing to make compromises like a family should.

If it were fair he would help out a lot more with the baby. But I take on more so he can go to the gym yet when I ask for something he tells me no?

Not only that xmas is a few weeks away and hasn’t gotten anyone anything but wants to buy a brand new motorcycle.

Which I’m sure will require more time him being gone.

I’m just exhausted.

Idk how to handle it. I’ve talked to him and all he sees is his way. I’m a very selfless person. He has another kid and I’m constantly getting the things she needs when we have her

He makes more money then me and doesn’t help me with gas or food or diapers

He pays the rent which I’m great full for

But I also have a lot of bills for the house and then the baby.

Idk what to do.

Am I just being a brat???

I just feel dumb I feel lonely

He doesn’t make time for me at all

I just feel like everything is about him all the time