Clogged Duct


So I have a clogged duct on my right side. My question is more so though about prevention of future clogs. My daughter is 5 weeks old and only ever nurses on one side per feeding and only for about 5-8 minutes. Sometimes up to 10-15 but usually the 5-8. So the other breast doesn’t get any attention. I am not talking about a preference, I alternate breasts every other feeding but she never nurses on both sides at one feeding. I don’t feel like I can really swap her to the other side in the middle of a feeding since she’s nursing for such a short period of time each time. She is gaining well, she’s up two pounds since birth, so I know she’s getting enough. I’m thinking I must have an oversupply. When the other side gets uncomfortable enough, I’ll pump the side she didn’t nurse on. But I worry about doing that too often because I don’t want to increase my supply even more so most of the time I’m not pumping the other side and just waiting for the next feeding. This is my second child but my first had to be formula fed so I just am a bit clueless about breastfeeding. I’m hoping some more experienced breastfeeding mommas can give me some guidance on what to do.