Would I really lose my kids for this?

I made a post a little while ago about how my ex of only like 2 months was going crazy. Wanting to reach out to my mom in hopes of getting me kicked out and how I thought he was involved in something that happened with a work friend. Since then, I’ve tried blocking him but he just tries to circle around it. On Thursday night, he started up again and was being really mean. Calling me lazy and threatening to call cops because I refused to drive to him to drop his stuff off (since his behavior seemed abusive and alarming), called my cousin and I fat, and threatened to call CPS to get my baby taken from me for reasons that he definitely made up in his own head. I blocked him (it was on Snapchat) but he started to just text my phone instead. He kept trying to manipulate me into dropping his stuff off at his door, including saying that a “report” from me refusing to bring his stuff to him would look bad on me in court if my ex (who voluntarily gave up custody and has literally expressed how he doesn’t even want to be a dad lol) decided to take me to court. He made a texting app and started trying to talk again. I asked him if he could go away and he asked me not to be a c*nt and then said he would give my personal info to someone who abused my literal INFANT and I and tried to kill me before. I threatened a restraining order and he said he would contest it because I “stalked his accounts” (he gave me permission to use his Facebook on and off because our relationship was on and off, so I would look) and how I “don’t take my medicine” (he claims I was hospitalized, but I never was ??). So he said he’d have it turned and that is lose my kids. But I don’t think I’d lose my kids because of a rejected restraining order? He’d have to prove I actually neglect/abuse them or put them in danger, I thought. And I didn’t think a rejected PPO would do that.. I figured he was trying to scare me into not getting one on him.

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