Urgent care or the OBGYN??? Advice

I have a cyst on my labia that hurts and is getting bigger. I also have been getting pains in my ovary for two weeks when not ovulating.

I’ve never been to the OBGYN with my insurance and I also am going to be switching insurances in the new year. So I’m wondering should I just go to urgent care since the OB would probably have a wait anyway and by then I’ll have a different insurance.

Or are they gonna just refer me to an OBGYN if I go to urgent care. Idk what to do I don’t feel like this should wait another two weeks lol

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I work at an obgyn. If you go to an urgent care all they’ll probably do is an ultrasound and then refer you to an obgyn


Ash🤍 • Dec 26, 2022
You’re going to have to wait wether you have insurance or not to see an obgyn anyway unless you’re having a prolapse, you won’t get seen much sooner than you think


fe • Dec 26, 2022
Ya I know but I can’t get an appt at the obgyn for a few weeks bc of my insurance and idk if this should wait that long but idk


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I would try to make an appointment for the OB GYN for those issues as they will have more specific knowledge on those issues l. Also getting testing done through the office vs an urgent care will most likely be cheaper in the long run.


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I had a cyst once (between my thigh and outer labia) and went to urgent care because it was so swollen and painful I couldn’t even wear work pants or work, they couldn’t treat it and sent me over to the ER where they numbed and lanced it and cleaned it out. My OB said I would have taken the same route had I came in office they wouldn’t have been able to lance it there, I would call a OB office near you for maybe some advice on the best facility to use who are equipped to treat a cyst that’s causing pain and may possibly be infected but won’t rupture mine was too deep in my leg caused by an ingrown hair and it wouldn’t pop just kept getting bigger (fuller) and more painful.


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I would call your OB/GYN and see what they think you should do. Sometimes they can give you an appointment sooner if they think it's urgent.


Mo • Dec 26, 2022
I would just look for an OB/GYN on your insurance's website. It doesn't matter if it's switching over. If you know what type of insurance, you're switching over to, that will make things easier because you can make sure whoever you pick also accepts that insurance.


fe • Dec 26, 2022
I don’t even have one tho 😭 I’m gonna call my insurances nurse hotline maybe


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Following. Wishing you the best ♥️