Confusion: New Year Plans?


Although I had a miscarriage last month I wasn’t tracking anything because I was waiting for my cycle to come back. So my DH and I have just; been going on as we were before the miscarriage.

I haven’t had a period return and it is almost the end of the month. I asked my new OB about how to track if my cycle doesn’t come back. She told me to count the miscarriage as my last cycle.

Emotionally that was difficult to do. But when I put in the date as my period; it showed that we would have hit my fertile window perfectly.

I also have felt a pulling sensation in my left side and some pain in my back.

Well just being curious I bought a pack of three first response. I planned on testing for three days. But on the first I thought I saw a faint, Extremely faint line.

So I tested again later in the day and it is definitely a line that even the app pic up as a positive. But I waited a few more hours. And there is now nothing.

I was planning on ending this, honestly shitty year by getting black out drunk for the new years. But now I don’t know 🤷‍♀️

I don’t want to harm a potential pregnancy. But I don’t want to hold onto a false hope and just dwell on my sadness for the new year.