Separation Anxiety with my 4 year old


My 4 year old has been struggling with separation anxiety since she’s been born. I know it’s normal when they are infant and toddlers to want their moms. But it’s gotten so much worse, even when I got to the bathroom she has to be right there or she freaks out. I can’t walk outside, I can’t sit on the couch without her being right up against me. I do love her being with me but I’m starting to worry about it. Should she be that clingy? We had her in preschool for 1 week and me and the teacher thought it was best to pull her out. We had to pull her out because she started refusing to eat even at home and wouldn’t talk to me. She would sit on the couch quietly until I told her it was time for bed because she had school. She would scream and say I don’t want to go I want to be with you mommy. It was almost impossible to even get her to stay the whole first week. She’s extremely shy too, she barley talks to family members or other kids. What can I do to help her?