Pregnancy after Cancer/Surgery


In June of 2022 I was told I had a 3.5x3.5 inch tumor on the bottom of one of my kidneys. I am 25 yrs old and a few different drs told me not to worry and that it was probably just a cyst. By the end of July I finally met with my specialist and he told me immediately that there was a 90% chance it was cancer and only 10% that it was a cyst. 1 week later I was scheduled to have surgery for it to be removed and biopsied. They also removed a little over half of that kidney as well. That was in the 1st week of August. The results came back as stage 2 cancer, only due to how big it had gotten. My dr feels confident that they removed it all and that I only need to be monitored for the next 5 yrs. No treatment for the time being. December 2022 I was diagnosed with PCOS and in 2018 was diagnosed with Endometriosis. TTC has always been very difficult for my husband and I with these conditions. Before having cancer we had already been talking about having another child. We have 2 littles currently. Flash forward to now, January 2023, and I have just taken a test due to some early symptoms. I have not even missed my period yet and it is a very faint positive. We were not trying at the moment because of my recent health endeavors, but we are happy. I am also terrified. I am not sure if my body is healed enough for a pregnancy. I’m nervous that my dr could have been wrong and find something else whilst I’m pregnant and just all of the “what ifs”. My brain is making up a ton of scary scenarios. I do wish for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy me. But I’m just extremely worried. Is there any one else out there who might have gone through something similar and it ended up being okay? Or know anyone? I have an appt with my dr next week already for a follow up, but that’s a lot of time to be in my own head. Or any other feedback… I’m just a ball of anxiety.