Advice/Support Needed

Hi, i just need to vent/ get some advice and support.

About April 2022, i started having the worst anxiety - i mean to the point i convinced myself someone was going to hurt me, i couldn’t go outside alone, if my husband left for work, i went straight to my moms until he got home, i was/still am scared to go into stores, or even do normal day things, I will convince myself that i am dying, or have something seriously wrong such as, if i have a headache, i will psych myself into believing im having a brain aneurysm, or if i feel a sharp pain in my chest, i will believe im having a heart attack, I also will believe if i do a certain thing that im truly putting myself in danger or if i dont do something, something bad will happen such as i have to check the doors locked x amount of times before i fall asleep, even when i know its locked, but have gotten better with the going out in public - but i am still having these overwhelming and overpowering thoughts of anxiety, that gets to the point my chest in pounding and getting sharp pains, i start crying and freaking out, i can barely breathe, etc. I have never experienced this before until April of 2022, i used to be so care-free, and i have no idea what caused this, its taking over my life, it truly is and i don’t know what to do at this point.