
I'm 24 - had my fair shair of toxic men and relationships. I do stand my ground but I feel like at times I choose not to because I'm either scared or just don't want to not please my partner. However I met him in August - it was iffy from the start but I ignored it. Now I went to talk with him about me going back to college to finish a degree I've been wanting to get done. He said I go back to college he's leaving me. I asked why - and he just laughs and says no to me getting back into it. I brushed it off - second time. I had a close, close friend - a guy. Yes - but he was someone I knew for years. He passed away in 2019. I posted on my instagram story of my at his grave and just saying I miss you, see you again my friend. He got upset accused me of cheated, wrote a big paragraph. I seriously asked him, how is one cheating when they are just posting a memorial moment. He said if I still miss this friend, and or love him, I shouldn't be in a relationship at all - then went to mention he had a "home girl" who died and he was close with and he doesn't go posting about her saying he misses her. And if he did i'd be jealous of her looks cause she was really pretty and would make me insecure. I didn't even know what to say at that point because her looks had nothing to do with the topic and I wouldn't of minded if one was posting about missing an old friend if they passed?? I felt like he turned it around on me - but I'm honestly not sure what to think or do. Then when I'm off on days, I have errands, I have dr appointments. He texts me saying if I'm not at his house by 4PM, we're done. He puts my stuff outside - I have to like. Talk to him and beg for him to not do that or be like that. I'm so drained of just begging him not to do this or that or be this way. But he's 25 - part of me is saying he needs to grow up. And he isn't caring about me, but I feel like I need to understand how others see it from this to be able to actually know if that makes sense.