3 year old won’t walk

My son broke his leg while jumping on a trampoline. He’s been in an almost full leg cast for 6 weeks. 4 weeks were non-weight bearing, the last 2 weeks he was allowed to walk on it but refused and cried like it hurt. Today the cast came off and he still won’t walk or even stand on it. I don’t know what to do. I’m stressed that he won’t walk anymore.

He has a severe speech disorder (apraxia) so he is extremely understanding of what he is being told, but can’t convey this needs/wants very well so I can’t get him to tell me if it hurts or why he doesn’t want to walk. He says few words and mostly uses sign language. (We are in the process of teaching ASL and he is catching on very well but he is not completely fluent).

If I ask him if it hurts he nods his head yes but I don’t know if it truly hurts or if it’s because he remembers the pain he was in the last time he stood on it. The doctor said he will walk on it eventually. They have said nothing about physical therapy.