Guy I’m seeing afraid to meet my kid


So I’m a single mom who just jumped into the dating scene again the day before Christmas <a href="">Eve</a>. Mind you - I always download hinge for a few days, see what the options are, get bored, and delete. On Christmas <a href="">Eve</a>, I matched with this cutie. We hit it off almost immediately. We talked for roughly two days before making plans to meet. We finally had our first date on the 28th. Then the second (impromptu) date literally the next day. Then he spent new years with me. We text every day and he’s so good with working around my schedule as I have my one year old and work full time from home as well. He’s 7 years older than me, has his own place, a great job, etc. He is established. It’s one of the things I like most about him. His profile said open to children, but I still keep it in the back of my mind that not everyone is actually OK with going into a step parent role until they are in it. We talked about the situation from the jump (even before we met in person) and he said he never dated someone with kids before (& I never really dated seriously since having him). I also didn’t expect to mesh with someone so well and so quickly. I expect the same old download-delete game I was playing. Randomly Friday night, he ghosted me. 5:30pm was the last I heard from him. It ate away at me all weekend. He’s always said he’s honest and straightforward so I was confused and kind of concerned (his dog was sick this week so I wasn’t sure what happened). I at first wanted to reach out but then switched to wanting to give space. Once it finally ate away at me so much that it drove me insane, I chose to drive to his house and confront him. I needed to know what happened or if I did something. I mean, he was planning a trip to Vermont with me and even brought it up again the day he ghosted me. I figured I would show up and he would either be mad or taken back (in a good way) by my concern. It was the latter. Turns out, he has really strong feelings for me. In his own words, “the more I get attached to you, the more I’m attached to your son.” Apparently he isn’t sure if he wants to get into a step parent role. Again, it’s only been a month of dating and we both said we just want to go with the flow for now, so there was no pressure from me to meet my son. Nor do I want to have my son meet him yet. I wasn’t bothered by him saying this at all because I knew it was something that might happen. We are both new to dating with kids involved, so it’s scary and unknown territory. I explained to him (which I also said before we met and on the first date) that I’m not looking for a dad for my son. I’m dating for ME. I reassured him that he doesn’t have any obligation to my son and that I know this is overwhelming and scary. This man just kept telling me how he really likes me and doesn’t want to seem like a shitty person for feeling this way and just didn’t know how to bring it up to me. I was annoyed at first because we are both adults and he should have said something, but I also was understanding and flattered that he had my feelings and my sons feelings on his mind and was just trying to find the right words. Once we talked a little more, we decided to continue seeing each other. I’m just curious if anyone has been in a similar situation. I can see myself with this man for the long haul, and it’s not that he doesn’t want to be a stepdad. He seems more worried about causing damage as he comes from a home with a broken relationship with his dad. I think he is more worried about being bad at the role rather than the role itself. I plan on diving more into his head next time we hang out. Just wanted thoughts on this. I’m fully ok with my son never meeting him, but if that is the case, I probably won’t be with him for more than a year or so. It’s been a while since I’ve been happy and he makes me extremely happy.