Nursed to Sleep and Daycare


So my son (now 5 months) has been a great night sleeper since he was a couple months old, sleeping through the night and only waking once a night at the most. He naps for about 45mins on average with the odd nap that lasts an hour. I’ve nursed him to sleep since he was born. I know sleep experts say it can be a crutch and bad habit but it felt right and natural for us and he is sleeping well.

However, it occurred to me that at a year old he’ll be in daycare and they will obviously not be nursing him to sleep so he should probably learn to fall asleep more independently in his crib at some point.

If anyone has any advice from their own experience making this transition using gentle methods (not Ferber or CIO), I would love to hear from you. When/how did you do it? How did you handle night wakings? How about naps?