The lies

I know this group doesn't get a lot of traction but I just need to vent anyways.

I'm at my breaking point. I would have left today if we didn't get 15 inches of snow last night. I feel slightly silly because the actual argument is so minimal but it's the hole scheme of things. My husband constantly lies to me, about the littlest things to, like stopping at a gas station or paying a bill. I just don't get it, what's the point.

I called him out for lying to me earlier this morning about using chewing tobacco. I talked to him about it and how it makes me feel when he lies to me and told him that I never did anything to be treated like that. 6 hours later, he's finding any excuse to go outside and straight up lied to my face about why (his chew is in his work van, I already knew that, so why lie).

I yelled at him that I was straight up sick of him thinking it's fine to lie. He had the audacity to get defensive and have an attitude back saying that I'm over reacting and he's not lying. Okay whatever.

I go take a shower because I'm done and could not leave (we live in a 500 square ft house). I watched the mf-er go sit in his van for 3 mins then come in.

Its been 8 hours and I'm literally still disgusted. I can't even look at him without wanting to scream at him. He tried to touch me and it made me cringe. I'm completely at a loss. He doesn't even think he has anything to apologize for... 😔

I'm so conflicted. He has been working hard to go to fire academy while also working and he graduates tomorrow. Right now, I have absolutely no desire to attend his graduation and pretend that everything is just fine. I feel guilty because we have both worked so hard for him to get to this point. Ugh