“I’m not someone you want to butt heads with”

My husband said this to me this morning after... well honestly I don’t even remember what set him off. But I said “I know” (because I do know). We have a 16 month old. Anyway he’s seems to be more argumentative than he used to be. And characteristics are showing through that I don’t really appreciate. It makes me sad when he raises his voice at me, especially in front of our daughter. I usually just take it and say, “okay” or “I understand” or “I’m sorry for ____” Then he sometimes says, “why do you make me do that in front of her? Do you think this is good for her development?” talking about our daughter. And then I feel even worse. I don’t want to argue with him, but sometimes I say something that he doesn’t appreciate or that upsets him. Then if I try to explain what I meant he interrupts and doesn’t want to hear it. On a similar note sometimes when I try explain why I did or said something, he calls it an excuse and doesn’t want to hear it. Anyway, I’m just feeling alone sometimes. Don’t have anyone to talk to.