OPK help please

Lauren • Labor and delivery nurse. Wife. Mama.
Hi all! Okay so I use wofondos and I ALWAYS have a second line. I start testing the day after AF leaves, and continue until around cd 20. I always have the second line. It does get progressively darker and the control matches the test strip around cd 17/18. But I'm wondering if I'm Oing early somehow? This is TTC cycle 3 this month. Really hoping to get a BFP. I am also using preseed, and we are going to bd every other day. Advice?
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Mine always show two lines too, just test line is very faint til lh surge. I think that's just how they're made.


Posted at
Thank you guys so much! I don't have PCOS but high estrogen levels so maybe that's why. I did read they are only positive when they are equal to or darker than the control so that's good I've been reading them right. Just couldn't figure out why I always had two lines versus one, despite it being light/faint. Good to know. Thanks ladies


Posted at
Also meant to add that some tests are more sensitive than others so will pick up LH all the time so you get two lines. It's only the surge (with ov 12-36 hours later?) once the test line is as dark or darker than the control. I think the range of hours is why some people show the surge for a couple of days?


Posted at
I don't use that brand but similar ones. I don't always have the two lines but the test line starts appearing around the fertile period. When it is as dark or darker is the surge. Important to read in stated timeframe or it is invalid. Apparently conditions like pcos can cause you to have elevated LH all the time so you will always get two lines which makes the tests abut harder to interpret.


Posted at
Lauren - I don't use wofondos, but I thought the way it worked is that it shows that you have ovulated only when the second line is darker than the first. But the second line always shows up. Not just when you are ovulating. Does anyone else use them, and can confirm?


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I've been charting for six months as far as my periods and symptoms, I just never have any. I only get tender breasts before AF, so I don't think that has anything to do with it...


Posted at
I also use digital opk rather than just the strips because otherwise it is rather confusing. I start with the strips at day 8 and and use the digital around 10. I usually ovulate between 12 to 14 days. I've charting for a while so I recognize the other symptoms for when I am entering my fertile stage including the ewcm, breast tenderness, temperature dip etc. I hope you conceive soon but the more you track, the better you get at reading your body. Good luck.


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Forgot to mention my cycles are pretty regular from 29 to 30 days