Confused & Crazy!

Aine • Married May 2014. Expecting our Baby Girl on 29/06/2015
Little complicated but here goes :
​I had my mirena iud out at the hospital on 23/04. As a result AF came 5 days early from 25/04 - 28/04   When usually AF lasts 7 days it only lasted 4 this time. 
​We dtd cycle day 5, and have been dtd every other day. I'm now on cycle day 14, have been testing for LH since day 8 and have had NO LH surge. I test at 2pm everyday with clearblue easy read monitor. 
​Past couple of days I've been super super tired. Really hot, no libido whatsoever, achey back and now I've got a metallic taste in my mouth? 
DH says could it be possible that I O'd on cycle day 5 or 6? 
​Did a test yesterday which came out BFN but if I did O on cycle day 6 I would only be 8DPO? 
​Can I ovulate that early? Is it possible or is my body creating these symptoms to torture me lol?! 
​Any feedback greatly appreciated!