HELP PLEASE-irregular vaginal discharge/spotting?

I'm concerned about the light brownish/brown discharge I begun noticing maybe two days ago. It is not really heavy but is mixed with what I assume to be ovulating mucus, which I normally do have. My period supposedly ended on August 7 (begun August 1). I am simply concerned because I have had sex a couple of times since the end of my period, even though my partner and I ALWAYS use a condom properly and he withdraws before he finishes. Therefore, my concern is that this could be implantation bleeding, even though glow states that I just started ovulating on August 13. I have read that implantation bleeding doesn't occur until about 10-14 days after the implantation, which makes this all seem impossible, especially since I just begun my fertile days on the 13th. The beginning of my fertile days was about the same time that I began noticing the slight discharge. I read that this discharge may be apart of ovulation, but I do not believe I have ever noticed anything like this before. It has no odor and is not accompanied by any signs of STDs or infections. Has anyone experienced this before? Really need insight, don't want to ask my mom unless I absolutely have to (I'm 17) 
​PS sorry for the explicit detail- pretty concerned!!