Help me please

I had a pregnancy scare and i got my period two days early according to glow. Well it was pink that night, heavy the first day and clotting and today it was heavy this morning and now kind of light. I am scared and I'm wondering if it's just the stress over being pregnant that is making my period act weird. I also haven't slept good and I haven't eaten a full meal in two days because I just haven't felt like it.
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Having a period 2 days early can happen. You aren't pregnant. This is a period. It's not a big deal for it to be 2 days off I've always had ones that started exactly down to the right hour but every 6/7 months or so would randomly come a day or two early or late. Periods can change every so often due to various factors but I think you can rest assured you aren't pregnant


Posted at
You are on your period and you're still asking if your pregnant? Really? Take a test if you're that worried about it, but a period is a pretty good sign you are NOT pregnant. 


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I'm not really an expert on pregnancy by any means but as long as you have your period you should be fine. Do you have other symptoms that would lead you to believe you're pregnant? A lot of times my friends get some psychosomatic symptoms but looking up concrete signs of early pregnancy tends to help


Hannah • Sep 17, 2014
Well not really, but I'm a hypochondriac and i start to think I'm pregnant even if I'm not and the stress builds up and now it's just extremely high and idk


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Also my boobs dont hurt like they usually do before period.