BMI calculations


So Glow is giving me advise on my BMI, according to the BMI charts I am overweight... In reality I am not. I am 5'0" and 130 pounds size 2 pants small top.. I am a clean eater, mostly organic with a few indulgences from time to time, and exercise almost daily for 60+ minutes either cardio or strength training. If Glow is making assumptions on my BMI based on two small factors, height and weight, how do I know if their assumptions of my fertility are correct?
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Height and weight IS how BMI is calculated. The problem I'd that BMI is not a good measure of overall health, which even recognize.


Carolynn • Sep 23, 2014


Posted at
Oh, don't worry about it!!  I'm 5'3 and 140 pounds.  Glow thinks I am overweight as well.  My BMI is slightly over what it should be, but I too eat organic,  my boyfriend and I eat Paleo (meats and veggies/cavemen style).  I am very active in sports and exersise almost every day. BMI doesn't take into account your muscle mass, and by what you told us, it seems as though you have quite a bit of muscle, as do I.  ​     Honestly, don't worry about it.  It is how you feel, not your physical weight . 


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Other measurements from different parts of your body (ie arms, legs, calves, waist) are also factors in BMI not just height and weight. 


Me • Sep 23, 2014
Walk into any doctors off


Carolynn • Sep 23, 2014
If you Google BMI calculator you will see.


Carolynn • Sep 23, 2014
that's actually not true. this are factored in for body fat percentage, which is different from body mass index (BMI).