Cervical mucus


Ok, this is the first time I'm tracking my cervical mucus? At what day after AF do you lady's get watery cm.  from what I read watery cm is approaching ovulation. But it has only been 4 days since I got my AF. Glows chart is telling me I don't ovulate till next week? Help anyone???
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I thought I ovulate day 15 or 16 according to glow but started tracking with OPKs and I actually ovualte exactly a week after AF. So being day 12.  Maybe you ovualte early 


Karina • Sep 26, 2014
Me* . My body temp had been up.


Karina • Sep 26, 2014
Well that's what I was going by. And glow tells menu don't ovulate till next Friday.


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That sounds about right 


Karina • Sep 25, 2014
Thanks wasn't to sure... If the fertile window ran that long.