
Gunce • Head of research at Glow. Unwilling infertility expert. 2 kids after 6 IVF treatments.

Hi Ladies - We need your help. As I mentioned previously...we have some unfortunate trolls in our community, and we would love to get rid of them. It's on a case by case basis - but we've noticed that their posts usually start like this:

"I'm 14, and I really wanna...."


"I'm 13, and I want to know..."

For some reason we have users who are pretending to be younger and specifically mentioning their age despite the fact that it has no pertinence to the question asked. And then asking ludicrious questions.

So if you see a post that mentions an age - especially a young age - can you please flag it for us. You can do so at or just by hitting the report button on iOS. 

Thank you!