My 8+ year Journey to Glow

I have been in a constant battle with myself. I have been trying to conceive for 8 years and every year it gets harder. Every month when I get my AF I get really depressed. I have bad thoughts and start to question my faith. I never told family or friends what I was going through for fear of them judging me. The only ppl that would know is the person I was ttc with. This is exhausting and all I want is to be able to feel a child inside of me, to feel love unconditionally, and to give the man I love children. I feel like less of a woman because of this problem that I am having. My husband doesn't have any children and it would be nice to bare one for him. Well this month I decided that I will no longer let this problem consume my life. I am gonna keep faith and try everything on my end that will help. I ask for prayers along my seemingly never ending quest for parenthood.

Thank you for taking the time out to read this and any encouraging word will be accepted.