Should I be worried?

I think my boyfriend's parents generally like me but they always refer to me as "Carson's friend" when introducing me to other parents/family. My boyfriend just turned 17 and I'm 16. Should I be offended his mom doesn't refer to me as his girlfriend or is that normal? It doesn't really offend me when it happens but looking back, it kinda scares me :/

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Posted at
Yall not adults yet so she might not be comfortable saying girlfriend.


Posted at
Worried, no, but I'd be insulted or annoyed. My ex's parents did that to me, because they refused to acknowledge that he was old enough or mature enough to be dating. And we were in our 20s. ? They were control freaks. Don't know if that's the same case here but I wouldn't really "worry" about it. If it keeps happening & bothers you, maybe ask your boyfriend what he thinks, and maybe he can talk to them about it?


Posted at
My grandad and gran still refer to my husband, who is also the father of my dd and my bump as my friend even after 6years haha they don't agree with us being togther or accept us being marriage so we just friends hahaha 


Just • Nov 15, 2014
I'm 22 and he is 27 btw. I just find it funny