Needing Advice Anything...

I almost feel desperate. I am just needing someone to understand what I am feeling. My poor husband doesn't know what to say as I have been crying all day. My poor emotions are everywhere. My hormones are so off. I just want to know what's wrong. It starts with here. So,  my childhood best friend just got married to my DH's best friend which is wonderful. They have a daughter already. But, I was told by another friend they are not having another child yet because they don't want to hurt our feelings, my DH and I have been TTC for a year in Dec. I just feel so honored they feel that way but I don't want them to feel like they have to wait because of us. It isn't their fault we are having a hard time. Here's where things get weird and there is a little TMI..So at the beginning of this month I really thought it would be our month. Last week I was using ovulation tests and for 7 days I had high fertility but no peak fertility. So my DH and I just BD when we could.  But, the devil AF showed up 8 days early. And with a vengeance. It is almost scary. I am cramping terrible can't walk really. I have bled through 4 super tampons in 4 hours. Along with having clots and almost looks like I am peeing blood. It just isn't normal. I have never had a period be this terrible! So I called my mom and it is normal for her. I just can't help but feel like it's my body rejecting a pregnancy. I hate it. I feel like a failure. I wish I could make sense of all of this. If anyone has any advice anytning at all. Please help me... ?