I just don't know anymore

Brittany • I have a wonder little boy born September 23, 2014.
Here's the story. I've been with my boyfriend for almost two years now and we have a beautiful baby boy that's two months old. Well through out the pregnancy I've caught him flirting with other girls through txt and other apps on his phone. I've given him numerous chances to stop and I've even talked with him about how I'm not gonna go through his phone bc I don't want to push him away.  Well a couple weeks ago he wa sleeping and something told me to look and even though I've fought that feeling for five minutes I went and looked. Well I've found messages back and fourth to this girl and it was sexual. He was telling her he voted for a whole day f*co session but she told him he had to make love to her mind edits her body and he said he understands and can do that and all other stuff sexual. It's crazy bc that whole day he was around me telling her that stuff and I told her he had a gf and a son which he failed to mention to her. I told him this was his last chance an no matter how much I try to move forward from this I just don't know if I really can. It's gonna eat at me knowing he's done this and for me not to be all into his stuff. I just would like some advice about the whole thing. And I guess it doesn't help the he has a short temper. If he's trying to fix anything and it goes wrong he curses up a storm and gets really pissed off. He's already put two holes in the walls.