First Time Clomid User


I am 27 years old and have been TTC for 6 months now. After using OPK, tracking my BBT and checking CM I suspected that I wasnt ovulating. This week I had a blood test done and it confirmed my fear. I did  not O this month. My doctor is starting me on Clomid (CD 3-7) whenever I start my period next week. I have a few questions as a first timer and would appreciate any advice. Good luck to you all!

1) I have read that Clomid can dry up your CM. Has anyone ever used/or can reccomend using PreSeed?

2) My current cycle ranges for 32-35 days. I am assuming my lenghty periods can be connected with the fact I am not ovulating. With my upcoming cycle on Clomid, should I expect to have a shorter cycle if O actually does occur?


Thank you Ladies!!!