Its been almost 3years :(

Samantha • Married to my best friend. Ttc our first miracle since 2012. Lost our miracle in November 2021
Me and my fiance have been ttc since Feb of 2012 and we haven't had any luck at all. He already has two children from prior relationships but he doesn't see them due to custody issues. We both want a baby more then anything and due to finance issues we can't afford <a href="">ivf</a> or fertility specialist sadly. When I was 4 I had ovarian cyst removed and because I was so little my ovaries had to be reconstructed from what my mother told me before she passed away in 2011 was I can get pregnant but im ready to give up nothing is happening. My period is due monday but since my last period I feel nauseous im randomly dizzy and I have headaches out of the blue. I took a test on monday and got a bfn :( should I just stop trying and see what happens or Just completely give up.