My birth story

Tiffany • Christian. Mother of 3. 3 living and 1 angel. 10 years together married 7.
I was 16 when I had my son. I tried to do all natural. However after 15 hours of labor and only dilated to 4. I couldn't take anymore, I got a epidural, and they broke my water. 45 minutes later my son was born.
My daughter I went in, labor was about 12 hours. I got a epidural because I wasn't in a lot of pain, and was afraid of the pain I had with my son. They again broke my water and had my daughter about 2 hours after. I pushed twice and was told to stop because my doctor was not ready. Lol I pushed one more time and she was out ❤️❤️❤️
They are now 4 and 2 and I am expecting my 3rd in July.