After a very difficult loss, time to try again?

Triola • Married on June 6, 2013

We lost our baby when I was 6 months pregnant back in June. I was devastated and I can't say that I'm over it, probably won't ever be. He was born, alive. I heard his sweet cry but I couldn't hold him. I was not in my native America, I was out of the country where practices were different. The nurses took him right away but didn't have a blanket to wrap him in. I wanted hours to see him. They took me to the recovery room after waiting about 6 hours where my husband came and told me the baby didn't survive. I had to go see him right away but apparently the baby had passed less than an hour after birth.

My husband and I only had a few days to grieve together because I had to go home. He didn't have a visa to travel to America with me so we had to wait. I got back and got in a car accident after 2 weeks. Grieving was difficult when I had to be without him. It has taken 6 months, but God graced us with his freedom to travel here on New Year's <a href="">Eve</a>! Now that he's home we are trying to decide if we want to wait a few months or try again right away. The issues are:

1. he hasn't been to my country yet so we need time to have fun & travel a little,

2. he needs to start working first,

3. I'm already 35 and time's a ticking,

4. we can get enough of each other and waiting might not be possible anyway

Anyway it goes we are happy to be reunited although we miss our baby. We know he could never be replaced. What do you think we should do?