Is breast really best?

Alright so I'm a formula feeding mom. I tried very hard to breast feed my child and she wasn't eating at all. I just wasn't producing enough milk. My daughter is 13 months now and is on soy milk due to a cows milk allergy. She drank formula from newborn (ish) until just recently. I know breastfeeding is great and I wish I could have been able to try it more. However, since I wasn't able to, I noticed a different side of mothering. One that I never want to be apart of. I was judged so horribly to the point where I cried every single day feeling like I was a horrible mother because I couldn't breastfeed. 
I told myself that I will try harder with my next... Until my sister in law told me something that worried me. She had problems nursing with her first and was able to pull it off beautifully with her second and third. She told me that she has a stronger bond with her second than she has ever had with her first. She said she didn't want to say that "she loved the second more but that's how it is." 
Is this true?! I love my daughter and would kill and die for her. I could NEVER love a child more or less. Am I missing something here or does this sound a little sad to everyone else? 
Sorry for my novel here. I'm just confused and tired of feeling like I'm looked down on for bottle feeding.