Should prostitution be legalized?

Mandi 😈💀 • Expecting #2 August '15!
Should prostitution be legalized, taxed, and regulated by the federal/state government?
This is not should human trafficking be legalized. I'm talking about adults who by their own free will want to sell their bodies for sex.

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2.8k views • 3 upvotes • 94 comments



Posted at
Would be safer, cleaner and reduce crime.... If porn is legal why isn't prostitution? I wouldn't do it personally but you know.... Look at Amsterdam? It hasn't fallen apart because prostitution is legal ..


🌸 Holly 🌸 • Feb 5, 2016
Exactly Sara!


Sara • Feb 1, 2016
Exactly, then it's not happening anywhere else.


Haley • Jan 31, 2016
I thought it was only legal in the Red light district of Amsterdam?


Posted at
Legalization would make sex workers safer, I'm for it.


Ashlee • Feb 1, 2016
Yes it really would, they'd have rights and would no longer belong to anyone.


April👓🐠எப்ரெல் • Feb 1, 2016
if prostitution were legal, they would have protection from customers


April👓🐠எப்ரெல் • Feb 1, 2016
right now, if they are abused by a customer or pimp, they can't go to the police for fear of being arrested


Posted at
Yes, because then it can be controled and taxed. Also the individuals that will sell there bodies will be given mandatory std tests like they do in Las Vegas so it will be a safter endeavor of the workers as they will gain proper treatment. They may even have access to healthcare and benefits and their lives can be made whole. Also when you make it legal, you take away the desire for criminal activity, and you make it harder for youth to be used as sex workers since they need to be registered


Sharon • Feb 2, 2015
it's legal in 8 counties in Nevada inside legal sanctioned brothels , Clark county is not one of them . It should be legal everywhere.


Jenni • Feb 1, 2015
But yes only legal threw licensed brothels


Jenni • Feb 1, 2015
Well I'm from vegas & it's technically not legal. U can purchase a girl but they know what's it for but can get in a lot of trouble if they say its for sex


Posted at
It happens anyway- resources are wasted trying to lock up prostitutes that could be used to fund keeping real criminals off the streets, regulating it would make it safer for all the participants, could potentially knock out the pimp figure and having the trade taxed!! That could fund so many, many things for the community. Would I ever have sex for money? No. Would I want my daughter to? No. Would I associate with participants of such activities? No. But that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It's the oldest known trade in the world, it's recession proof and it will happen wether you agree with it or not. Why not offer safety and protection for the public and the sex workers? 


Posted at
Nothing wrong with it totally cool and ladies should be able to do what they want with their bodies.


🌸 Holly 🌸 • Feb 1, 2015
And men!


Posted at
The FBI has made a team HSKI (highway serial killer Initiative) that deals strictly with truckers dropping prostitutes bodies allover the US and it's borders. Legalizing it would help so much in cases where girls disappear and never be found. never reported.But it would be a start, and a good one.


Posted at
Having been an escort I think it should. Legalizing it would make it way safer. 


Posted at
Living in Colorado with legal marijuana, the state has made so much money just from taxes. The same would be from prostitution. If it's something people will do regardless of the legality of it, why not let the state get something out of it? Not to mention making it much safer for both parties involved! 


Posted at
I can't believe prostitution is still a CRIME. It's criminal for me to have sex one way but not another? Ok.


👑🐼 • Jan 31, 2016
*consensual sex between adults


Posted at
There will always be prostitutes, I think it should be better managed with brothels and std/sti testing and registering mandatory and punishable if not followed. Currently Canada has no laws against prostitution, but I do know edmonton does surveys every year to register prostitutes in case they go missing/ are killed, from what I read 100% of the women approached have been cooperative with giving the information, so I don't think it would be stretch to test them regularly either for their health and their customers health.


De • Feb 1, 2015
Canada has a bit of a problem with the "highway of tears" murders. I doubt it's the same guy, maybe two but it seems there is a serial killing runaways and prostitutes for a couple of decades now.